Care ConsultingCare Consulting

Stop thinking of ‘video marketing’ as this separate entity that is optional for your business. Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts.
- James Wedmore

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If "a picture paints a thousand words" a quality video communicates volumes. Short or long, funny or serious, video is the preferred language of the information age.

Given the preeminence of social media, video viewing is as common as breathing. Varieties of platforms cast nets far and wide. Blanket to niche markets are ready and waiting for your project or business.

Unprecedented opportunity also means formidable competition. Even so, exceptional content and production can provide a compelling and economic marketing solution.

Care Consulting can assist with various aspects of video production,
design and adverting campaigns. Including follow up TV, radio spots and newspaper coverage. Rob Pennington has directed and managed effective local and regional programs and organizations. From personal and business projects to non-profit and political initiatives. One of which was so uniquely successful as to make the front page of both the L.A. Times and San Francisco Chronicle.